
EdgeOS - Load-Balancing Dual WAN (Part 2)

Published at February 1, 2021 ·  3 min read

This is the second article for configuring load-balancing on EdgeOS. In this article, I’ll go into more in-depth configurations that I’ve found useful having run a load-balanced configuration for quite a while. Configurations Warnings In my original article, I share a list of things that break when you implementing load-balancing on EdgeOS. You should have a look at these items and make an evaluation on the usefulness of this configuration based on what I share....

EdgeOS - Load-Balancing Dual WAN (Part 1)

Published at January 30, 2021 ·  8 min read

This is the first post in a two part series. When I started working from home full-time, I found it quite important to ensure that I had Internet available to me at all times. The two primary ISPs in my area are Comcast (unreliable) and AT&T (slow). I decided, to ensure that I always had something available, I would get both and therefore needed to configure dual-wan on my Ubiquiti EdgeRouter ERLite-3....